Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • ant/maven reference for clustered deployment

    This page details the ANT and Maven APIs for clustered deployment in Resin.

    Ant Tasks for Clustered Deployment

    Common Properties for All Tasks

    serverYesN/AThe IP or address of the Resin server
    portYesN/AThe port of the Resin server's HTTP port
    userYesN/AThe user to use when logging into the Resin server
    passwordYesN/AThe password to use when logging into the Resin server
    commitMessageNoN/AThe commit message to log for any changes to the application repository

    resin-upload-war (com.caucho.ant.ResinUploadWar)

    warFileYesN/AThe war file to upload to the Resin server
    stageNo"default"The stage to use for the deployed application
    virtualHostNo"default"The virtual host to use for the deployed application
    contextRootNo/[war file prefix]The context root of the deployed application
    versionNoN/AThe version to use for the deployed application
    archiveNofalse When set to true, an archive tag is set in addition to the main tag. Can also be an explicit tag.
    writeHeadNotrueWhen set to true and using versioning, a "head" tag is also set.

    resin-copy-tag (com.caucho.ant.ResinCopyTag)

    stageNo"default"The stage of the target tag
    virtualHostNo"default"The virtual host of the target tag
    contextRootYes (if tag not given)N/AThe context root of the target tag
    versionNoN/AThe version of the target tag
    sourceStageNo"default"The stage of the source tag
    sourceVirtualHostNo"default"The virtual host of the source tag
    sourceContextRootYes (if sourceTag not given)N/AThe context root of the source tag
    sourceVersionNoN/AThe version of the source tag
    tagYes (if contextRoot not given)N/AAn explicit target tag
    sourceTagYes (if sourceContextRoot not given)N/AAn explicit source tag

    resin-delete-tag (com.caucho.ant.ResinDeleteTag)

    stageNo"default"The stage of the tag to be deleted
    resin.virtualHostNo"default"The virtual host of the tag to be deleted
    contextRootYes (if tag not given)N/AThe context root of the tag to be deleted
    versionNoN/AThe version of the tag to be deleted
    tagYes (if contextRoot not given)N/AAn explicit tag to be deleted

    resin-query-tags (com.caucho.ant.ResinQueryTags)

    stage Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given "default"The query pattern for the stage portion of tags in the repository
    virtualHost Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given "default"The query pattern for the virtual host portion of tags in the repository
    contextRoot Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given ".*"The query pattern for the context root portion of tags in the repository
    version Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given N/AThe query pattern for the version portion of tags in the repository
    pattern Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given N/AAn explicit query pattern for entire tags in the repository

    Maven Mojos for Clustered Deployment

    Common Properties for All Mojos

    serverresin.serverYesN/AThe IP or address of the Resin server
    portresin.portYesN/AThe port of the Resin server's HTTP port
    userresin.userYesN/AThe user to use when logging into the Resin server
    passwordresin.passwordYesN/AThe password to use when logging into the Resin server
    commitMessageresin.commitMessageNoN/AThe commit message to log for any changes to the application repository


    warFileresin.warFileYes ${}/${}.war (the war file produced for the project) The war file to upload to the Resin server
    stageresin.stageNo"default"The stage to use for the deployed application
    virtualHostresin.virtualHostNo"default"The virtual host to use for the deployed application
    contextRootresin.contextRootYes /${}
    (the "final name" of the project)
    The context root of the deployed application
    versionresin.versionNoN/AThe version to use for the deployed application
    archiveresin.archiveNofalse When set to true, an archive tag is set in addition to the main tag. Can also be an explicit tag.
    writeHeadresin.writeHeadNotrueWhen set to true and using versioning, a "head" tag is also set.


    stageresin.stageNo"default"The stage of the target tag
    virtualHostresin.virtualHostNo"default"The virtual host of the target tag
    contextRootresin.contextRootYes (if tag not given) /${}
    (the "final name" of the project)
    The context root of the target tag
    versionresin.versionNoN/AThe version of the target tag
    sourceStageresin.sourceStageNo"default"The stage of the source tag
    sourceVirtualHostresin.sourceVirtualHostNo"default"The virtual host of the source tag
    sourceContextRootresin.sourceContextRootYes (if sourceTag not given)N/AThe context root of the source tag
    sourceVersionresin.sourceVersionNoN/AThe version of the source tag
    tagresin.tagYes (if contextRoot not given)N/AAn explicit target tag
    sourceTagresin.sourceTagYes (if sourceContextRoot not given)N/AAn explicit source tag


    stageresin.stageNo"default"The stage of the tag to be deleted
    virtualHostresin.virtualHostNo"default"The virtual host of the tag to be deleted
    contextRootresin.contextRootYes (if tag not given) /${}
    (the "final name" of the project)
    The context root of the tag to be deleted
    versionresin.versionNoN/AThe version of the tag to be deleted
    tagresin.tagYes (if contextRoot not given)N/AAn explicit tag to be deleted


    stageresin.stage Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given "default"The query pattern for the stage portion of tags in the repository
    virtualHostresin.virtualHost Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given "default"The query pattern for the virtual host portion of tags in the repository
    contextRootresin.contextRoot Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given /${}
    (the "final name" of the project)
    The query pattern for the context root portion of tags in the repository
    versionresin.version Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given N/AThe query pattern for the version portion of tags in the repository
    patternresin.pattern Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given N/AAn explicit query pattern for entire tags in the repository

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    Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.