| resin 4.0 | | ant/maven reference for clustered deployment
This page details the ANT and Maven APIs for clustered deployment in Resin.
Ant Tasks for Clustered Deployment
server | Yes | N/A | The IP or address of the Resin server | port | Yes | N/A | The port of the Resin server's HTTP port | user | Yes | N/A | The user to use when logging into the Resin server | password | Yes | N/A | The password to use when logging into the Resin server | commitMessage | No | N/A | The commit message to log for any changes to the application repository |
resin-upload-war (com.caucho.ant.ResinUploadWar)PARAMETER NAME | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION |
warFile | Yes | N/A | The war file to upload to the Resin server | stage | No | "default" | The stage to use for the deployed application | virtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host to use for the deployed application | contextRoot | No | /[war file prefix] | The context root of the deployed application | version | No | N/A | The version to use for the deployed application | archive | No | false |
When set to true, an archive tag is set in addition to the main tag.
Can also be an explicit tag.
| writeHead | No | true | When set to true and using versioning, a "head" tag is also set. |
resin-copy-tag (com.caucho.ant.ResinCopyTag)PARAMETER NAME | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION |
stage | No | "default" | The stage of the target tag | virtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host of the target tag | contextRoot | Yes (if tag not given) | N/A | The context root of the target tag | version | No | N/A | The version of the target tag | sourceStage | No | "default" | The stage of the source tag | sourceVirtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host of the source tag | sourceContextRoot | Yes (if sourceTag not given) | N/A | The context root of the source tag | sourceVersion | No | N/A | The version of the source tag | tag | Yes (if contextRoot not given) | N/A | An explicit target tag | sourceTag | Yes (if sourceContextRoot not given) | N/A | An explicit source tag |
resin-delete-tag (com.caucho.ant.ResinDeleteTag)PARAMETER NAME | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION |
stage | No | "default" | The stage of the tag to be deleted | resin.virtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host of the tag to be deleted | contextRoot | Yes (if tag not given) | N/A | The context root of the tag to be deleted | version | No | N/A | The version of the tag to be deleted | tag | Yes (if contextRoot not given) | N/A | An explicit tag to be deleted |
resin-query-tags (com.caucho.ant.ResinQueryTags)PARAMETER NAME | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION |
stage |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot,
version, or pattern) must be given
| "default" | The query pattern for the stage portion of tags in the repository | virtualHost |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost, contextRoot, version, or
pattern) must be given
| "default" | The query pattern for the virtual host portion of tags in the repository | contextRoot |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| ".*" | The query pattern for the context root portion of tags in the repository | version |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| N/A | The query pattern for the version portion of tags in the repository | pattern |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| N/A | An explicit query pattern for entire tags in the repository |
Maven Mojos for Clustered Deployment
server | resin.server | Yes | N/A | The IP or address of the Resin server | port | resin.port | Yes | N/A | The port of the Resin server's HTTP port | user | resin.user | Yes | N/A | The user to use when logging into the Resin server | password | resin.password | Yes | N/A | The password to use when logging into the Resin server | commitMessage | resin.commitMessage | No | N/A | The commit message to log for any changes to the application repository |
warFile | resin.warFile | Yes |
(the war file produced for the project)
| The war file to upload to the Resin server | stage | resin.stage | No | "default" | The stage to use for the deployed application | virtualHost | resin.virtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host to use for the deployed application | contextRoot | resin.contextRoot | Yes |
(the "final name" of the project)
| The context root of the deployed application | version | resin.version | No | N/A | The version to use for the deployed application | archive | resin.archive | No | false |
When set to true, an archive tag is set in addition to the
main tag. Can also be an explicit tag.
| writeHead | resin.writeHead | No | true | When set to true and using versioning, a "head" tag is also set. |
stage | resin.stage | No | "default" | The stage of the target tag | virtualHost | resin.virtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host of the target tag | contextRoot | resin.contextRoot | Yes (if tag not given) |
(the "final name" of the project)
| The context root of the target tag | version | resin.version | No | N/A | The version of the target tag | sourceStage | resin.sourceStage | No | "default" | The stage of the source tag | sourceVirtualHost | resin.sourceVirtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host of the source tag | sourceContextRoot | resin.sourceContextRoot | Yes (if sourceTag not given) | N/A | The context root of the source tag | sourceVersion | resin.sourceVersion | No | N/A | The version of the source tag | tag | resin.tag | Yes (if contextRoot not given) | N/A | An explicit target tag | sourceTag | resin.sourceTag | Yes (if sourceContextRoot not given) | N/A | An explicit source tag |
stage | resin.stage | No | "default" | The stage of the tag to be deleted | virtualHost | resin.virtualHost | No | "default" | The virtual host of the tag to be deleted | contextRoot | resin.contextRoot | Yes (if tag not given) |
(the "final name" of the project)
| The context root of the tag to be deleted | version | resin.version | No | N/A | The version of the tag to be deleted | tag | resin.tag | Yes (if contextRoot not given) | N/A | An explicit tag to be deleted |
stage | resin.stage |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| "default" | The query pattern for the stage portion of tags in the repository | virtualHost | resin.virtualHost |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| "default" | The query pattern for the virtual host portion of tags in the repository | contextRoot | resin.contextRoot |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
(the "final name" of the project)
| The query pattern for the context root portion of tags in the repository | version | resin.version |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| N/A | The query pattern for the version portion of tags in the repository | pattern | resin.pattern |
Yes (At least one pattern (either stage, virtualHost,
contextRoot, version, or pattern) must be given
| N/A | An explicit query pattern for entire tags in the repository |
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