Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • tags

    Resin uses a tag-based xml configuration file, usually as resin.xml, for declaring all available options. In addition, Resin supports EL variables, expressions and control structures.


      The top-level <resin> tag contains any <cluster> defined for a deployment. It also provides an resources for class-loaders, logging and shared resources.


      Resin's configuration uses a powerful, general dependency injection system (CanDI) to configure servlets, Resin resources, databases, application components, third-party libraries and drivers. By understanding a few rules matching the XML to the configured resources, an administrator can have full control over the application server behavior.

      Because of the importance of verifying and debugging configuration, Resin's configuration is stateless, meaning that the XML files fully describe the configuration of the system. Resin avoids hidden state by avoiding deployment tools and internal, hidden database configuration.


      Resin configuration can directly access Resin-IoC/WebBeans-configured beans and variables using EL expressions in the configuration files. Predefines variables include webApp, host, and resin variables.

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