| resin 4.0 | | http
Description and configuration of Resin's high-performance HTTP
web server.
This document describes how to install and run Resin
"standalone" (without Apache or IIS).
Resin provides a reliable, fast Web server which can also
be used as a load balancer. In our benchmarks, it serves static
pages faster than Apache. For most sites, Resin is ideal
because of its performance, security and reliability.
A Resin server can serve many virtual hosts, each with
its own servlets and documents. The configuration is flexible,
allowing dynamic host deployment in a hosts directory
or using explicit <host> tags for additional control and security,
and compatibility with existing Apache sites, enabling easy upgrades
and evaluation for PHP servers to Quercus.
When you need to rewrite an external URL to a more convenient
internal format, like rewriting to *.php files, you can use Resin's
rewrite capabilities. Because Resin's rewrite mechanism contains
much of the same functionality as Apache's mod_rewrite, you can
translate older mod_rewrite rules to Resin's rewrite tags.
Server caching can speed dynamic pages to
near-static speeds. When pages created by database
queries only change every 15 minutes, e.g. CNN or Wikipedia
or Slashdot, Resin can cache the results and serve them
like static pages. Because Resin's caching only depends on
HTTP headers, it will work for any JSPs, servlet
or PHP page.response.
Resin's caching operates like a proxy cache, looking at HTTP
headers to compare hash codes or digests or simply caching for
a static amount of time. Since the proxy cache follows the HTTP
standards, applications like Mediawiki will automatically see
dramatic performance improvement with no extra work. You can even
cache REST-style GET requests.
Because the cache supports advanced headers like "Vary", it can
cache different versions of the page depending on the browser's
capabilities. Gzip-enabled browsers will get the cached compressed
page while more primitive browsers will see the plan page. With
"Vary: Cookie", you can return a cached page for anonymous users,
and still return a custom page for logged-in users.
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