Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • command line resin administration

    Starting with version 4.0.17 Resin provides extended set of commands that allow administrators and programmers perform debugging and monitoring tasks on remote Resin server using command line.

    All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump, profile, and heap capabilities.

    enabling the commands

    By default these commands are disabled. Enabling the command requires ManagerService be registered in resin.xml file.

    enabling Resin ManagerService
      <resin xmlns=""
      <cluster id=''>
        <sec:AdminAuthenticator password-digest="none">
          <sec:user name="admin" password="secret"/>

    available commands

    heap-dumpproduces heap dump
    thread-dumpproduces thread dump
    profileturn profiling and displays results after sampling completes
    jmx-listlists MBeans, attributes and operations
    jmx-setsets value of a jmx attribute
    jmx-callcalls MBean's method
    log-levelchanges log-level

    Since all commands require connecting to Resin server remotely list of required parameters includes authentication and remote connection options such as IP and Port.

    common options
    -confconfiguration fileconf/resin.xml
    -addressip or host name of the servertaken from conf/resin.xml
    -portserver http porttaken from conf/resin.xml
    -useruser name used for authentication to the servernone, required
    -passwordpassword used for authentication to the servernone, required

    producing heap dump

    To produce a heap dump resin provides heap-dump command. With Resin Open Source, heap-dump will produce a standard heap dump file and put it into a temporary directory on a remote machine.

    java -jar resin.jar [-conf <file>] heap-dump -user <user> -password <password> [-raw]

    producing a heap dump on Resin Open Source
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf heap-dump -user foo -password test -raw
    Heap dump is written to `/tmp/hprof-default-2011-04-08-02-51-31.hprof'.
    To view the file on the target machine use
    jvisualvm --openfile /tmp/hprof-default-2011-04-08-02-51-31.hprof

    Resin Pro, when heap-dump is given no -raw option is capable of producing a readable summary report.

    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf heap-dump -user foo -password test
    Heap Dump generated Fri May 08 02:51:31 PDT 1998
       count   |  self size | child size | class name
            68 |       6528 |    3142736 | com.caucho.util.LruCache
         28768 |     920576 |    2674000 | java.lang.String
         29403 |    2066488 |    2066488 | char[]
            68 |    1927360 |    1927360 | com.caucho.util.LruCache$CacheItem[]
          7346 |     715416 |    1796320 | java.lang.Object[]
          5710 |     594200 |    1768624 | java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
          2827 |     135696 |    1606264 | java.util.HashMap
         20787 |     665184 |    1489024 | java.util.HashMap$Entry
          9682 |     852016 |    1235984 | java.lang.reflect.Method
         61507 |     984112 |     984400 | java.lang.Object
           337 |      16176 |     889192 | java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
          2881 |     161336 |     883584 | java.util.LinkedHashMap
          1596 |     178752 |     702296 | com.caucho.quercus.program.ProStaticFunction
    heap-dump options
    -rawproduces a standard .hprof file
    since raw heap dump can be on the order of gigabytes the resulting file is always left on the machine where Resin server is running.

    producing thread dump

    To produce a thread dump resin provides thread-dump command. The thread dump is produced on a remote sever and printed out locally.

    java -jar resin.jar [-conf <file>] thread-dump -user <user> -password <password> [-raw]

    producing a thread dump
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf thread-dump -user foo -password test -raw
      Thread Dump:
      "MailboxWorker[manager@resin.caucho]-8" id=31 RUNNABLE
        at ( (native)
        at (
        at com.caucho.util.ThreadDump.threadDumpImpl (
        at com.caucho.util.ThreadDump.getThreadDump (
        at com.caucho.server.admin.ManagerActor.doThreadDump (
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 ( (native)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
        at$QueryMethodInvoker.invoke (
        at (
        at (
        at com.caucho.bam.query.QueryActorFilter.query (
        at com.caucho.bam.packet.Query.dispatch (
        at com.caucho.bam.mailbox.MultiworkerMailbox.dispatch (
        at com.caucho.bam.mailbox.MailboxWorker.runTask (
        at (
        at com.caucho.env.thread.ResinThread.runTasks (
        at (
      "Signal Dispatcher" id=5 RUNNABLE
      "http://*:8087-1" id=26 RUNNABLE (in native)
        at com.caucho.vfs.JniSocketImpl.readNative ( (native)
        at (
        at com.caucho.vfs.JniStream.readTimeout (
        at com.caucho.vfs.ReadStream.fillWithTimeout (
        at (
        at (
        at (
        at (
        at (
        at (
        at (
        at (
        at com.caucho.env.thread.ResinThread.runTasks (
        at (

    profiling application

    Profiling application can help find bottlenecks. Resin's profile command turn on sampling for requested period of time and prints out profiling resutls.

    java -jar resin.jar [-conf <file>] profile -user <user> -password <password> [-active-time <time>] [-sampling-rate <rate>] [-depth <depth>]

    profiling an application
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf profile -user foo -password test
    Profile started at 1998-05-08 02:51:31.001. Active for a total of 5000ms. Sampling rate 10ms. Depth 16.
       % time  |time self(s)|   % sum    | Method Call
       800.000 |     40.080 |     28.407 |
       300.000 |     15.030 |     39.060 | com.caucho.env.thread.ResinThread.waitForTask()
       200.000 |     10.020 |     46.162 | com.caucho.vfs.JniSocketImpl.nativeAccept()
       116.168 |      5.820 |     50.287 | _jsp._test__jsp$
       100.000 |      5.010 |     53.838 |
       100.000 |      5.010 |     57.389 | java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove()
       100.000 |      5.010 |     60.940 | com.caucho.server.admin.ManagerActor.profile()
       100.000 |      5.010 |     64.491 | java.lang.ref.Reference$
       100.000 |      5.010 |     68.042 | java.lang.UNIXProcess.waitForProcessExit()
       100.000 |      5.010 |     71.593 |
       100.000 |      5.010 |     75.144 | com.caucho.util.Alarm$
       100.000 |      5.010 |     78.694 | com.caucho.env.shutdown.ShutdownSystem$
       100.000 |      5.010 |     82.245 |
       100.000 |      5.010 |     85.796 | unknown
       100.000 |      5.010 |     89.347 | com.caucho.vfs.JniSocketImpl.readNative()
       100.000 |      5.010 |     92.898 | com.caucho.test.Test$
       100.000 |      5.010 |     96.449 | com.caucho.profile.ProProfile.nativeProfile()
       100.000 |      5.010 |    100.000 | java.lang.Thread.sleep()
    profile options
    -active-timespecifies profiling time span in ms (defaults to 5000 - 5 sec.)5s
    -sampling-ratespecifies sampling rate (defaults to 10ms)10ms

    setting log level

    Command log-level allows to temporarily increase log level for an application.

    java -jar resin.jar [-conf <file>] log-level -user <user> -password <password> [-active-time <time-period>] [-log-name <name>] <level>

    profiling an application
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf log-level -user foo -password test -active-time 5s finer
    Log {root}.level is set to `FINER'. Active time 5 seconds.
    log-level options
    -active-timespecifies new level active time (default 60s). e.g. 5s60s
    -log-namespecifies name of the logger. Defaults to root logger.root logger
    valuespecifies new log level (finest, finer, fine) none, required

    listing JMX MBeans, attributes and operations

    Commandjmx-list prints out JMX MBeans, attributes and operations registered in a JVM that is running Resin. As its last argument the command accepts <pattern>. The <pattern> follows convention defined for, defaulting to resin:*, which matches any MBean in resin domain.

    java -jar lib/resin.jar [-conf <file>] jmx-list -user <user> -password <password> [-attributes] [-values] [-operations] [-all] [-platform] [<pattern>]

    listing MBeans
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf jmx-list -user foo -password test com.acme:*
    jmx-list options
    -attributesoutputs a list of attributes for each MBean
    -valuesoutputs a list of attributes and values for each MBean
    -operationsoutputs a list of operations each MBean
    -operationsoutputs a list of operations each MBean
    -platformonly queries MBeans in java.lang domain(unless pattern is specified)
    -allqueries MBeans in any domain(unless pattern is specified)
    listing MBeans with values
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf jmx-list -user foo -password test -values com.acme:*
      attributes:[description=, name=Boolean, type=boolean, read-only, descriptor={}]==false

    setting attribute value on MBeans

    Commandjmx-set sets a value on an attribute belonging to a particular JMX MBean.

    java -jar lib/resin.jar [-conf <file>] jmx-set -user <user> -password <password> -pattern <pattern> -attribute <attribute> value

    setting attribute value
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf jmx-set -user foo -password test -pattern com.acme:type=Foo -attribute Foo foo-value
    value for attribute `Foo' on bean `com.acme:type=Foo' is changed from `null' to `foo-value'
    jmx-set options
    -patternspecifies pattern to match target MBean
    -attributesets name of the attribute
    valueString representation of the value (primitive types and String are supported)

    invoking method on a MBean

    Commandjmx-call calls a method on a specified with < pattern> MBean.

    java -jar resin.jar [-conf <file>] jmx-call -user <user> -password <password> -pattern <pattern> -operation <operation> value...

    invoking method on MBean
    $java -jar lib/resin.jar -conf conf/resin.conf jmx-call -user foo -password test -pattern com.acme:type=Foo -pattern com.acme:type=Foo -operation echo hello
    method `echo(java.lang.String)' called on `com.acme:type=Foo' returned `hello'.
    jmx-call options
    -patternspecifies pattern to match target MBean
    -operationsets name of the operation to invoke
    valuespace separated list of parameters that will be passed to the method (primitive types and String are supported)

    Copyright © 1998-2011 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.