Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • resin administration console

    The /resin-admin web-app provides an administration overview of a Resin server. Resin-Pro users can obtain information across the entire cluster, profile a running Resin instance, and obtain thread dumps and heap dumps.

    All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump, profile, and heap capabilities.

      web console

      The /resin-admin web-app provides an administration overview of a Resin server. Resin-Pro users can obtain information across the entire cluster, profile a running Resin instance, and obtain thread dumps and heap dumps.

      All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump, profile, and heap capabilities.

      command line

      Starting with version 4.0.17 Resin provides extended set of commands that allow administrators and programmers perform debugging and monitoring tasks on remote Resin server using command line.

      All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump, profile, and heap capabilities.

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